North Carolina's Census Response Rate Lags
Have you completed your census yet? In mid-March, households began to receive information in the mail about the 2020 Census, but North Carolina is behind in responding. Each year, North Carolina receives roughly $16 billion in federal funding based on 2010 Census data. Our state is growing, and many more people have moved to our state. To receive the funding our state deserves, we need an accurate count of our population.
As of April 29, below are GCAA member counties response rates:
Cabarrus 51%
Catawba 53.5%
Cleveland 49%
Gaston 48.5%
Iredell 55.5%
Lincoln 55%
Mecklenburg 53.7
Rowan 50.9%
Union 61%
Ways you can respond to the Census:
Online: You can complete the census online here!
Phone: By calling (844) 330-2020. (Phone calls conducted in a language other than English can be found here.)
Mail: Once you have completed your paper census form, you may use the envelope provided to mail it to the U.S. Census Bureau National Processing Center at 1201 E 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132.
Please note, there is no citizenship question on the census and all answers remain secure and confidential. Anyone, regardless of immigration status, should be counted!