The Ledge

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How will Charlotte city leaders retain quality teachers and solve a housing affordability problem?

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How significant is the Bank of America Stadium to Uptown’s economy, and will it drive Uptown's apartment demand?

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Last year, the CMPD said property crimes involving juveniles increased by 86%, and auto thefts increased by 120%. Rental property owners have an...

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Recently, advocates for a new NC Tenants Union were interviewed on a panel during the 2024 Local New Impact Summit hosted by Charlotte Journalism...

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Austin, TX, has prevailed as the leading metro area in the country. The University of Texas brings 51,000 students to the city along with several...

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Because of the economy, some federal lawmakers have taken it upon themselves to yet again attack the rental housing industry in an effort to provide...

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Uptown has jokingly been called a ghost town as it struggles to attract residents and businesses post pandemic. With more people not returning to...

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Just when rental housing providers thought all they had to worry about was rent control misconceptions, along comes more detrimental industry...

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Gordon Ramsey’s London pub might not have much in common with the multifamily industry apart from one growing issue: it’s been overrun...

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As North Carolinians prepare for a presidential election year, housing has become a hot button topic.

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From podcast recording studios to indoor dog parks, apartment communities are committed to keeping up with amenity trends. Electric vehicles (EV)...

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With politics as polarizing as ever, it is rare to find bipartisan votes around economic development. Yet, the Charlotte City Council unanimously...

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