The NAA Click & Lease Program will be updated on April 29, 2020 to include the following changes to your lease forms. The Release Notes, which are accessible when logged into your NAA Click & Lease Program, include copies of these upcoming forms.
Should you have any questions about these changes, please contact NAA. As always, we recommend you and your local legal counsel review all new and/or updated forms before implementing them into your leasing operations.
Updated Forms:
- Payment Plan Agreement (COVID-19) and Notice of Temporary Waiver of Late Fees
- The character limit for the "Special Provisions" field has been increased to 1000.
- Payment Plan Agreement (COVID-19)
- Table Headers Updated
- Payment Item: Description of item due
- Current Due Date: Date the item is currently due
- Current Amount Due: Amount that is currently due
- Date to be Paid: Date resident has agreed to make payment
- Amount to be Paid: Amount resident has agreed to pay on the "Date to be Paid"
- Balance Due: Enter any remaining balance that is due
Examples:(Note: These are only suggestions and you should work with your legal counsel prior to entering into any payment arrangements to make sure you are not running afoul of the federal CARES Act or any state or local executive or emergency orders.)If multiple payments for the same payment item (using an amount of $1500 for April Rent):
If simply delaying the rent payment (using an amount of $1500 for April Rent):