Updated In-Person Event Safety Guidelines

Community, Industry News,

In accordance with the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (link CDC) masks/face coverings and local jurisdiction mandates, the GCAA will require masks for all individuals no matter the vaccination status. All individuals should take appropriate measures to protect their health. By attending an event, meeting or education class, you are confirming that you aren't sick or showing symptoms of any communicable disease.

Attendee Agreement

 By registering and attending any in-person GCAA education class, event or meeting, you are agreeing to our Safety Liability Agreement. As deemed necessary, additional requirements will be added below:

- If you are sick, caring for an ill person, interact with a member of a vulnerable population, or may have recently been exposed to COVID-19 we ask that you stay home for self-quarantine. 

- Face masks that fully cover both the nose and mouth at all times are required as necessary. We will provide one-time use masks to attendees that do not arrive with their own.

- Social distancing must be maintained at all times (6 ft. is the magic number). 

- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often, especially after touching high traffic areas. 

**Communicable diseases such as COVID-19 can be highly contagious viruses that pose inherent risks that cannot be fully eliminated regardless of care or precautions taken. As such, by participating in classes, meetings, or events hosted by BAAA in any facility you hereby assert you do so voluntarily and that by participating you knowingly assume any and all risks related to COVID-19 or other communicable diseases.