Voting in the Upcoming Election - Everything You Need to Know

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If you plan to vote in November's general election (please do), the deadline to request an absentee ballot is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27 for North Carolinians. Anyone can request one for any reason in NC. 

When it comes time to vote, you'll need one witness — recently changed from two

Visit which provides all the information  need to get ready to vote this fall from checking registration status to finding out what is on their ballot and then researching the candidates and/or click here to access a Voter Guide for 2020.

Below is information from the North Carolina State Board of Elections that includes instructions and important dates for those who prefer to vote by mail in the upcoming general election:

Important Dates to Remember:

October 27: The deadline to request your vote by mail ballot.
November 3: Last day to return your completed ballot.

Voting Made Simple:
Check your registration status, absentee ballot request information & more with the NC Voter Search tool.

The state elections board launched an app that lets you track your mail-in ballot like it's a package [web]. If you sent in an absentee ballot this year, or plan to, use this new Ballottrax tool to make sure it's been received.