City of Charlotte Source of Income Legislation Update

Industry News,

As you know, over the past several months, Inlivian (formerly the Charlotte Housing Authority) and other local groups have advocated for the City of Charlotte to amend the Fair Housing Ordinance by adding “Source of Income” as a protected class. These local groups have been strongly encouraging the City to pursue source of income discrimination legislation as part of a statewide mandate.

In response to these advocacy efforts, GCAA and the AANC formed a working group to strategize on countering these advocacy efforts. GCAA staff have been working diligently and collaboratively with City staff and officials to educate them and provide alternatives to mandating the HUD Housing Choice Program through legislation. 

During its December 16 meeting, the Great Neighborhoods Committee (a committee of the Charlotte City Council) decided that instead of taking a hammer down approach by pushing for a statewide mandate with the NC General Assembly in 2021, it would recommend to City Council that an Ad Hoc Advisory group be formed to work through HCV program issues and educate housing providers over the next 18-24 months with the ultimate goal of encouraging their participation in the program. Specifically, the Committee voted to pursue the following next steps:

  • Update City Council in early January.
  • Appoint an ad hoc advisory group
  • Advisory Group convenes and develops new HCV program enhancements
  • Implement and monitor progress over the next 18-24 months and report back to City Council. 

We will continue to keep you updated.  For more information concerning this matter, contact Michelle Manns, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Legislative Affairs at