Charlotte Trash Issue Regression

Industry News,

City Council Backtracks on Changes to Multifamily Trash Collection Policy


REBIC's 4/25/16 article (linked above) provides details. 

GCAA will be contacting members with updates (and for support) as the following key dates approach: 

May 2nd Manager’s Recommended Budget  5pm – determination of whether the City Manager officially includes trash elimination for apartments.

May 11th Council Budget Public Hearing  5pm – opportunity for the public to officially state our opinions on the recommended budget

May 11th Council Budget Adjustments 1pm - City Council's opportunity to ask that apartment trash elimination be added/included in the budget (or propose other ideas/recommendations)

May 25th Council Straw Votes 12 pm –  an unofficial vote that will determine the proposed budget, last chance for elimination to be removed or added to proposal 

June 13th Budget Adoption 5pm – final voting on the proposed budget