Charlotte Multifamily Trash Service in Jeopardy

Industry News,

Charlotte City Council is once again considering the possible elimination of multifamily housing trash service in their upcoming budget deliberations. The rationale for the would-be service exclusion is to “save” the City about $3.5 million by transferring their costs to multifamily housing communities and residents.GCAA views this exclusion as arbitrary, punitive, discriminatory, and regressive. We have pushed for a Working Group to examine the issues; it has been formed and at least two meetings have been scheduled for the weeks ahead. April is likely the crucial Council vote for the FY17 Budget, so we encourage GCAA members to communicate with the City Council and particularly the Budget Committee Members - Phipps (chair), Mayfield, Lyles, Driggs, and Kinsey - about the would-be impacts on your communities and your residents. City Council Contact information is available here online:

Charlotte-area media are getting wind of this story: