City Councilman Says Charlotte May Have Gone 'Overboard' To Slow Rising Housing Costs

Industry News,

Charlotte leaders are facing some hurdles in implementing the city’s new Unified Development Ordinance.

The UDO went into effect almost a year ago, laying out how Charlotte will develop in the coming years. While the city needs more housing, many people disagree on how and where that growth should happen. 

"Those of us that opposed [the UDO] across a bipartisan basis … knew exactly this is what we had in for," Councilman Tariq Bokhari said at the city's last zoning meeting.

"I’m sorry that we're in this situation, to be honest," Councilwoman Victoria Watlington added.  

The term “unintended consequences” has popped up as city planners look for loopholes that allow developers to squeeze in more units while shrinking street sizes. 

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