Charlotte UDO Updates!

Industry News,

Attention Charlotte Property Owners! Very Important Information Regarding the Charlotte Future 2040 Map

The 2040 Charlotte Future Policy Map (Policy Map) has been released with comments due by November 12, 2021. After which, a second draft will be published. The Policy Map is a companion to the comprehensive plan and the first step to implementing the 2040 Comp Plan. This effort will translate the plan’s policies to a map which will be used in multiple decision-making processes such as future zoning decisions and capital investments. 

Why is this important? The Policy Map will direct zoning decisions down the road by assigning a Future Place Type designation to each property in the city’s jurisdiction. These maps show current and proposed zoning changes. Rezonings will become more rare because the City of Charlotte will not render conditional zoning approvals after the UDO is adopted. This is a property owner’s opportunity to weigh in! If you own a parcel or parcels of land you will want to ensure that the zoning for your parcel has not changed or that your parcel has not been “down zoned” which will likely reduce the economic impact of your property. Don’t be taken by surprise down the road when you are ready to develop or sell your property.

For more information, click to view FAQ’s here.

Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Open House Meetings are Coming!

The City of Charlotte Department of Planning, Design, & Development will hold a series of "open house" style meetings for the community to engage with the first draft of the UDO in the coming months. Please attend these meetings to speak with staff, ask questions or engage with the UDO for the first time. Click here for a schedule of meetings.